
New Position:

I took up a new position as Associate Professor at the University of Siegen in May 2023 and now finally also managed to update this webpage (at least the most important parts). More updates and news will follow.

Conference Presentation:

I have presented my paper “The Activation of Citizenship Norms” at this year’s virtual Meeting of the German Political Psychology Network on 11/03/2022.

New publication:

Our article “Conceptualizing and Measuring Citizens’ Preferences for Democracy: Taking Stock of Three Decades of Research in a Fragmented Field” (co-authored with Pascal D. König and Markus B. Siewert) has been published online first with Comparative Political Studies: [17/03/2022]

New publication:

Our article “Voting in the Echo Chamber? Patterns of Political Online Activities and Voting Behavior in Switzerland” (co-authored with Isabelle Stadelmann-Steffen) has been published online first with Swiss Political Science Review: The article is available as open-access publication thanks to DEAL. [17/03/2022]

New publication:

Our chapter on participatory politics in Baden-Württemberg has just been published:
Ackermann, Kathrin, Angelika Vetter und Simon Stocker. 2021. Beteiligungspolitik unter Grün-Schwarz: Kontinuität und Wandel. In Kiwi im Südwesten. Eine Bilanz der zweiten Regierung Kretschmann 2016-2021, Felix Hörisch und Stefan Wurster (Hrsg.), 405-445. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

New project funded:

A new project has recently received funding within the Excellence Strategy of Heidelberg University:
“Experienced solidarity: values, motives and practices in caring communities and social volunteering (EXPSOLIDARITY)” (01/10/2020 - 30/09/2023) funded by Field of Focus 4 “Regulation and Self-Regulation” (together with Stefanie Wiloth, Institute of Gerontology, and Annette Haußmann, Institute of Theology)
I am looking forward to working on this new project. Watch this space for updates and results.


I had the pleasure to discuss about “Political Participation during the Pandemic” with Sigrid Baringhorst, Oskar W. Gabriel and Swen Hutter at the Scientific Convention of the German Political Science Association (DVPW) on 15/09/2021. Thanks to the Section “Political Sociology” for inviting me.

Conference Panels:

Together with Sigrid Roßteutscher, I have organized and chaired two panels on “Political Conflicts in Times of Uncertainty and Change” at the Scientific Convention of the German Political Science Association (DVPW) on 15/09/2021. Thanks to all participants for their interesting contributions.

Conference Presentation:

I have presented our paper “The Rural-Urban Divide in Citizen Discontent” (joint work with Richard Traunmüller and Sigrid Roßteutscher) at World Congress of the International Political Science Association (virtual), 13/07/2021.

Conference Presentation:

I have presented my paper “The Activation of Citizenship Norms” at this year’s virtual Annual Meeting of the European Political Science Association (EPSA) on 25/06/2021.

Online workshop:

The annual meeting of the DVPW-AK “Wahlen und politische Einstellungen” took place as a virtual meeting on 20 and 21 May 2021. More information can be found here:

New publication:

Our paper “Direct democracy, political support and populism–attitudinal patterns in the German Bundesländer” (co-authored with Daniela Braun, Matthias Fatke and Nayla Fawzi) has been published online first with Regional and Federal Studies: [17/09/2021]

Invited Talk:

I have been invited to give a talk on the rural-urban divide in political participation (“Left Behind and Left Unheard? Exploring the Rural-Urban Divide in Non-Electoral Political Participation Across European Societies”) in the CIS-Colloquium at University of Zurich/ ETH Zurich on 22/04/2021. Thanks for the invitation and an inspiring discussion!

Invited Talk:

I will give an talk on citizenship norms (“The Activation on Citizenship Norms”) at the Freie Universität Berlin (Arbeitsstelle Politische Soziologie der Bundesrepublik Deutschland) on 18/02/2021. Thanks for the invitation - I am looking forward to the discussion!

Conference Presentation:

I have presented my paper “The Activation on Citizenship Norms” at this year’s virtual Annual Conference of the Swiss Political Science Association on 04/02/2021.

Conference Presentation:

I have presented our paper “Voting in the Echo Chamber? Patterns of political online activities and voting behavior in Switzerland” (joint work with Isabelle Stadelmann-Steffen) at the authors’ conference of the Special Issue “Swiss Elections 2019” (to be published with Swiss Political Science Review) on 29/01/2021. [14/02/2021]

Invited Talk:

I have been invited to give a talk on narcissism and populism (“Me, myself and I - Narcissism and Populism”) in research seminar of the Center for Research on Prejudice at the University of Warsaw today. It could not have been more timely… Thanks for the invitation and for lots of food for thought!

Invited Talk:

I have been invited to give a talk on citizenship norms (“The Activation on Citizenship Norms”) in the B-Colloquium at the Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung (MZES) on 26/10/2020. Thanks for the invitation and an inspiring discussion!

Workshop moved online:

The annual meeting of the DVPW-AK “Wahlen und politische Einstellungen” will take place as a virtual meeting on 12 and 13 November 2020. More information can be found here:

New publication:

Our paper on the link between personality traits and political consumerism (co-authored with Birte Gundelach) has been published online first with International Political Science Review and can be found here:

Two new projects funded:

Two new projects have recently received funding within the Excellence Strategy of Heidelberg University.

I am looking forward to working on these projects. Watch this space for updates and results.

New project funded:

Our project “The Rural-Urban Divide in Europe (RUDE)” lead by Sigrid Roßteutscher (GU Frankfurt) receives funding in the NORFACE- programme “Democratic governance in a turbulent age”. I am part of the German team together with Sigrid Roßteutscher and Richard Traunmüller (U Mannheim) and we are working together with teams in France (Sonja Zmerli), Spain (Guillem Rico), UK (Chris Claassen) and Switzerland (Markus Freitag). More information can be found here:

Workshop postponed:

The annual meeting of the DVPW-AK “Wahlen und politische Einstellung” has been postponed due to the developments around Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19. New date: 12-13/11/2020. More information can be found here:

Upcoming Workshop:

Join us for the upcoming annual meeting of the DVPW-AK “Wahlen und politische Einstellung”. The workshop will take place at the University of Heidelberg on 28./29. May 2020 and you are invited to submit your proposals until 17. February 2020. More information on workshop and submission:

Invited Talk:

I have been invited to give a talk on rural-urban divides in politics (“Stadt, Land, Frust? Geographische Unterschiede in politischen Einstellungen und Verhaltensweisen”) in the Social Science Colloquium at Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf on 07/01/2020. Thanks for the invitation and an inspiring discussion!

Upcoming Workshop:

Join us for the 24-hours of Political Psychology at FernUniversität in Hagen. The workshop will take place on 17./18. January 2020 and you are invited to submit your proposals until 20. October 2019. More information on workshop and submission:

New publication:

Our paper on the link between Internet use and volunteering (co-authored with Maximilian Filsinger and Markus Freitag) has been published online first with European Societies.

Conference Presentation:

I will present a paper on  “The Rural-Urban Divide in Citizen Discontent” (joint work with Richard Traunmüller) at the Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association (EPSA) in Belfast, 20-22/06/2019.